Photography, specially gastronomic photography are my (almost) everyday. But it's not been always like that. It's also clear my name couldn't be Jordifoto but it fits me. Long ago a friend of mine started calling me "the photos" and then there wasn't much left till my nowadays nickname. I've had others. Some of them quite rude some others almost lovely. But this one fits me, indeed. Perhaps because I feel identified with it. With Jordi and with Foto. I could tell you a dramatized story abou my old man and his ancient Minolta, or maybe something about shooting Velvia slides at 16 YO. Just chatting...I've been in the photography business for almost 20 years now. And people and food were always one step behind my decisions. So nowadays, growing older I've made up my mind and focus on what I'm really interested in. People, food and photography. If you have any gastronomic project that might pass through photography to develop itself; if you have an idea you can't figure out how to bring to the amazing world of light 2D or if you wish to have a good portrait just let me know. We'll figure out how to do it. If you just want to have a coffee with "el fotos" the door is open too! :-)
La fotografia i especialment la fotografia gastronòmica són actualment el meu pà de (gairebé) cada dia. Però ve de lluny. També està clar que no em dic Jordifoto, però m’hi diuen. Fa ja una pila d’anys que una amiga va començar a dir-me “el fotos”, i d’aquí a jordifoto hi ha un pas. I de fet, m’agrada. M’havien posat altres pseudònims. A l’escola, a l’institut. Alguns de bons i altres menys bons. Aquest m’agrada. Potser perquè m’hi sento identificat. Amb Jordi i amb Foto.
Us podria explicar que el meu pare, que la seva vella Minolta, que si la diapositiva que si bla, bla, bla. Doncs no, jo només fa uns vint anys que em dedico a la fotografia i el menjar. La gent i la muntanya sempre m’han vingut al darrera. I darrerament, que voleu, em faig gran, he tingut una revelació i he decidit deixar-me de tonteries i centrar-me només en el que m’interessa. La foto, el menjar i la gent.
Si teniu algún projecte gastronòmic que necessita de la fotografia per a desenvolupar-se en salut; si teniu alguna idea que no sabeu com plasmar en foto o si voleu un bon retrat, doncs em truqueu o m’envieu un mail i segur que ho trobem.
I si simplement voleu fer un café amb “el fotos” també sereu benvinguts!